Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Goal Review Term 3

My goals for this year were to make new friends and get a leadership badge.

For my leadership badge goal- This goal has again, not been going well.  But I have been blogging for it so I am getting closer.

And for my friend goal- I have made a lot of new friends that are very good. This has been good because one of them is going to the same high school as I am.

Overall, my goals are going ok.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Writing Prove It

Here is my example of how I have used punctuation in my writing.
The writing in green is where I used the punctuation.
The solo level I got up to was Extended Abstract.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Poppy and Isla's French

Isla's Weather Forecast

My Reading Prove It

This is my reading prove it.

My goal was to use publishing conventions to comprehend main ideas/details in factual text.

I got up to extended abstract.